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Is having a mental breakdown or mental illness of a parent or child Justify Murder of the child?

Question by gsmom: Is having a mental breakdown or mental illness of a parent or child Justify Murder of the child?
Im sickened i just read an article where a mom killed her 8 year old severly autistic son .article says”snapped under incredible strain” and her lawyer is saying “very viable psychiatric defense”also she is being charged with second-degree murder (second degree murder n. a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility) are you serious she fed the child pills and herself but she was found””babbling incoherently,” with a faint pulse” and imeditaly asked fr a lawyer on her way to the court house.her son laying dead .she rented a room for two days and had at least 100 perscription bottles. How isnt that planned ? isnt that first gegree muder (person killed another person; the person killed the other person with malice aforethought; and the killing was premeditated To kill with malice aforethought means to kill either deliberately and intentionally or recklessly with extreme disregard for human life.) the suicide note was about Jude the child not herself . so agin where is her suicide note not a note to why she killed this beautiful child.also worst is it states she”With her wealth, Jordan could have hired expert care for the boy but “we had no nannies,” again she could have eased her care of the child but choose not too.I mean come on this is clearly first degree murder or Premeditated murder( is the crime of wrongfully causing the death of another human being (also known as murder) after rationally considering the timing or method of doing so, in order to either increase the likelihood of success, or to evade detection or apprehension)
I mean many of you may not know but i myself have Bipolar disorder_NOS with reoccuring depresion, intermittent explosive disorder,Anxiety severe,seasonal affective disorder,ADHD and recovered Bulimia nervousa & my son is a a Teenager Now Living succcessfully with Aspergers .He also Has a DX of Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety,non verbal learning disorder and Obesity. I couldnt imagine harming him not even on my worst days .Just the opposite id die for him .Im sick of every time a Parent kills or harms the child its “well the parent had mental ilness or was depressed ,it was temporary insanity “Temporay insanity to me is you snap in that moment not after palnning .I know this is long and i know its just my opinion But i cant excet this as what this woman is believing was a ritous kill.
How do you feel,Lastly parents with mental illness can raise children just the same as parents without mental illness . there is good parents in both sides .but to kill your babies ? ” If this woman was at her breaking point why didnt she off herself and give her so a chance .just because she couldnt handle it doesnt mean someone else couldnt have handled him.Thanks for reading. ***NOTE SPELL CHECK NOT WORKING SO SAVE THOSE COMMENTS PLEASE”
99.9% of the time i dont judge a person For anything.To each there own . this is that one time i am judging this woman.

Best answer:

Answer by Daisyhill
I too think it is an excuse used by clever lawyers….ALL people who murder are wrong in the head…that is not an excuse though.

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